Meeting 31/01/06: Roger, Elvin, Brennan, Jan, Verena, Jorg, Mike.

TI2: Matching

- already done

TI2 optics

Would expect semi-automatic procedures for checking optics - extraction point, Delphine's dispersion measurement analysis, matching through the screens, response analysis. Can't ever imagine this being fully automatic.

Injection steering

- v1 already available in YASP - not a major issue but should check trimming across TI2/LHC boundary. Orbit bumps in LHC (circulating beam).


Semi-automatic - sorted

Linear Optics & field errors

LOCO analysis - LHC sector test trajectory response analysis c/o Jorg, but want off-line simulation of what we might be able to observe. How well can we get the phase advance given BPM response, kick amplitude, permitted momentum offset etc. Also to be extended to the case of circulating beam.

Do we need the detailed magnet model on-line? (Indiviudal error assingment etc.)

Aperture Scans

For sector test look at transmission efficiency (BCT) - would certainly like to be able to automated scan sequence. On-line aperture model required also.

De-Gauss versus nominal

- given magnet errors, BPM resolution etc., proposed measurement techniques - what can we get a handle on?

IR bumps

Should be prepared in advance.


Beta beating

Possibility of LARP picking up the beta beating analysis problem in collaboration with ABP discussed. Imagine this as off-line analysis attempt to find source of beating. Feed forward and re-measure. On-line analysis of multi-turn data to produce beating measurement.