Instructions to experiments for the test

Protons will be transfered from the SPS (at 450 GeV) via TI2 and stopped in LHC Point 3. This test is an important preparatory step for the first attempt to circulate beam in the LHC which will take place in September. Please take note of the following and inform collaborators in your experiments.

- The test starts at 14:00 on Friday August 8. All LHC areas must be closed and patrolled before that time. The test is planned to last until Monday August 11 8:00.

- It is absolutely crucial for the efficiency of the test that the patrolled state be kept everywhere during the complete duration of the test.

- A patrol team from each experiment (ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb) should be on stand-by and be called in to promptly re-establish running conditions in case a patrolled state would be lost. - The CCC number 77600 shall be used for all communications with the CCC.

- In case of emergency, access can be requested by calling this same number. (The access procedure has been communicated to your GLIMOS. Please, consult with her/him).

- The LHC Operations team will maintain a web page where the status and progress of the test can be followed online. See the links in - Short status info will be broadcasted over LHC Page 1.

- The CCC will inform the experiments when the radiation veto can be removed at the end of the test. If you need more information, please, do not hesitate to contact me at any time (79977).

regards Massi