HWC commissioning

HWC meetings and schedule

Status 1/2 August

Sector 2-3 -----------

RQ6.L3B1 and B2: fully commissioned.
RQ6.R2: the parameters of the QPS controller are inversed. An intervention in the tunnel is needed.

IT RQX: PCC.1 and PCC.2 successfully performed.

After having changed the acceleration to 0.1A/s2 all correctors but RCBXH1.R2 (intervention by PO needed) passed successfully PCS. Also PNO.d3 has been performed on RCBXV1.R2 and RQSX3.R2. RD1.R2: PL2.f2 stopped because no quench had to be performed after 8pm (cryo request), then the step has to be repeated.

Sector 12 -----------

ML2 Q4, Q5 went up to PLI2.e3. Next step (nominal current) has not been performed in order not to risk to have a quench (as requested by cryo).

RD2: all steps up to PLI1.c2 successfully performed.

RQ4/RQ5 correctors not yet connected (Monday morning).


In broad terms, would hope that the hardware commissioning of sector 23 be finished by Friday 1st August and that the sector be handed over to operations for tests in the week before the test.

All required circuits here

All required PICs & DFBs

Powering Subsector






 Arc 2- 3 cryostat (right side) + Match. section





 Arc 2- 3 cryostat (left side) + Match. section





 Matching section in L2





 Inner triplet in L2



Ready for ELQA 29 July


 Inner triplet in R2



Ready for ELQA 28 July


 Matching sections in R2









Cryo planning for IP2

Key issue here is the commissioning of the inner triplets