I've just seen the dates for the next injection tests, 23-24.08, and it falls into my holidays abroad. What's more I'll be off the computer during that weekend. It means I need to collect all the requirements for the configuration of all concentrators ASAP (today?) and hand over supervision of the processes for that period.

Could you please send which concentrators should go in and with what devices.
We pick up from the following:

blms (Acquisition),
blms-study-buffers (CaptureData, it still needs veryfing the format of data),
bpms-beam1 (GetCapData and BeamThreading together),
bmps-beam2 (GetCapData and BeamThreading together),
bpms-orbit-beam1 (Acquisition).
bpms-orbit-beam2 (Acquisition).

Can I stop some of those running over last weekend now, which ones?

I have also set up a wiki webpage with all the details (current configuration, processes running, restartin/stoping procedures, client API, etc):

http://wikis -> Data Concentrators.




Here is the setup for the incoming dry run and injection test for the concentrators. Processes run on cs-ccr-colsa. All the remote client actions are performed using lsa-client-concentration (BPM, study buffers). All the interaction with BLMs is done through lhc-blm-concentration.transform narrow interface.

I have just deployed this setup and started all the applications (apart from BLM acq which I won't modify until Wednesday afternoon). I'll leave them running for your tests before and during dry-run. For that purpose, you don't need to getjars again. Please clean your SDDS NFS directories up accordingly.





8 crates.

Events: XTH.INJAMC-XTIM/Acquisition and XTH.BPMCAP1-XTIM/Acquisition

Concentrators: GetCapData, BeamThreading, deployed together, as always. Beam1 only, so one process is launched. Beam2 is switched off.



For study buffers and acq:

  - all crates of SR2 (i.e. SR2.L, SR2.C, SR2.R)
  - SR3.C and SR3.L

At the same time there will be radiation tests, so we also add the following (not for study buffers):

  - all crates of SR5 (i.e. SR5.L, SR5.C, SR5.R)
  - SX4.C and SX4.R (unconfirmed for Friday)

It sums up to 10 crates.

Event for study buffers: XTH.BLMCAP-XTIM/Acquisition

Concentrators: Acquisition, Study Buffers

One process for study buffers and 2 processes (concentration & logging) for acq are launched.