As promised here’s the necessary information for logging the intensity of the beam going into the LHC (beginning and end of the arc 2-3)

Point #2: Device : “LHC.BPMINT.SR2.B1RB”

Property: “Acquisition” Field: “totalIntensity[0]” // In 1E10 charges

Point #2 values coming from LHC.BPM.8R2.B1 as requested

Point #3: Device : “LHC.BPMINT.SR3.B1LA”

Property: “Acquisition” Field: “totalIntensity[0]” // In 1E10 charges

Point #3 values coming from LHC.BPM.10L3.B1 as we’ve realised that 8L3 has long cables.

We have requested the access from point #2 and we expect to commission tomorrow or Thursday.

Best regards, Lars