06:00 Finish - phew. More details later - but one eighth of the LHC looks good.
Through the night - intermittent beam from SPS - injection region aperture measured in point 8
19:00 Alternate injections into sector 78 and sector 23 which is pretty blooming amazing.
Optics in 23 looks good, dispersion follows well into IR3.
15:00 Beam back to IR3, big trajectory but fortunately we have aperture.
14:00 ish - beam on to TDI (collimator blocks just in from of Alice)
13:30 Beam on TED at the end of TI2 again. LHC set to 450 GeV. Injection kicker soft start in action.
Sunday morning: variously accesses and preparation for sector 23 - this always takes longer (based on two weekends experience) than you think it will.
10:00 Access Atlas, IP2 for cryo, prepare to switch to sector 23
Nice set of aperture measurements over night
Saturday evening - 2 accesses in point 8 to fix intermittent cryogenics problems. 23:00 access still in progress.
18:45 Beam back through IR7 - remeasuring dispersion. Horizontal Vertical (c/o Brennan Goddard)
14:40 Lost cry-maintain again.
15:30 Inject and dump working! (Without beam for the moment.)
14:15 Loss of cryo maintain end of morning - recover early afternoon. Access point 2 for QPS controller card. Re-cycling LHC. SPS flatlined - muGeF controller problem.
Morning:LHCb - 3 shots on to TDI - shower on to LHCb - throw their injection permit. Re-position TDI gap.
08:00 Re-cycle
22:30 Kick-response/dispersion measurements in progress overnight.
20:54 TDI out. Beam down to IR7 first time.
20:30 Waiting for injection kicker to finish conditioning. Timing events are now coming out.
20:10 beam through the kickers, septa and first 3 screens of LHC. Down vertically on the last one.
20:05 Struggle with the end of TI8, beam loss at end of septum string. Still no timing events.
19:30 Transfer line TED out. Struggle with timing system.
17:45 ish Beam down TI8. Conditions for beam being re-established in the LHC.
16:50 CMS drop access in point 5.
16:00 Friday
Access to beam dumping systems tests finished OK. Access was required in TI8 to unblock the dump at the end of TI8. Access ongoing in point 2 for cryogenics - related to earlier problem.
14:15 Friday
Final stages of closure of ring and experiments in progress. This to be followed by Access/Beam dumping system tests.
Compressed air was lost at point 2 earlier this morning, causing a drop in cyro. This will postpone taking beam into sector 23 again, until Sunday at the earliset.