21:10 Finish in S23 etc. TI8 continues a while - a few shots at higher intensity on TI2 TED for Alice.
21:00 Frantic 2 and a half hours of measurements. Interleaved injection - TI8 - TI2, S23, 34, 45
18:30 Beam to left of 5. Will take a few shots. Trajectory correction converges nicely.
17:40 Quench.
17:15 Beam to 3 - quenchino tests in progress
17:05 Beam on to TDI - TDI out
15:50 Access finished. Ring closed.
15:30 Cycling 23, starting soft start of kickers, Greg, Dave and Isabelle at point 4.
Plan for day
11:45 start pre-cycle 23
12:00 start inj kickers soft start
Access 5 to condemn D1/D2
14:00 access 4 to condemn dog leg magnets,
recover access and beam permits
16:00 beam to 23 - few shots
16:30 quenchino
cycle 23 - few shots
16:00 cycle 23/34/45 and prepare for injection 23/34/45 to tertiary collimators left of 5
18:00 - few shots into 23/34/45
21:00 RP survey left of 5 - beam off for the night
LHC to bed over night - no beam
Cryo in point 8 won't be back before Monday morning.
Access at 11:00 for vacuum point 5.
Sunday morning - program overnight as planned.
Overnight - polarity tests via kick-response - continued studies in TI8 with alternate injections into point 2 and point 8.
23:30 Beam back - Alice have been waiting patiently
Saturday evening: no beam in SPS - compensator problem.
19:30 A learning experience. Unable to re-establish beam permit for beam one, because beam dump system needs S78 up. Access in point 6 to reconfigure.
78 up to around 4.5 K, will take at least most of tomorrow to recover.
18:00 Beam down TI2 - shots on to TED.
15:45 LHC closed. Taking beam down TI2 and then TI8.
12:30 Patrol lost in point 8 - recovering.
Will switch to TI2 this afternoon and take beam through Alice around 18:00. Will also take some beam onto TI8 TED for LHCb.
09:00 power outage (3.6 KV to main cryo plant - point 8) - cryo hit S78 and S81 - recovery sometime Sunday - Access given in 8 and 6
03:50 beam back - beam to beam dump channel point 6 - image from first shot - inject and dump commissioned - big optics error point 7 (problem found).
01:30 Problems with access system giving access to TI8.
00:50 Unable to retract TED (mobile dump block at the end of the TI8 transfer line). Access required.
00:10 Access fixed. Preparing to take beam into LHC.
21:00 Access door has two sensors inoperative. Repair will take 3 to 4 hours. Beam studies in TI8 continue.
19:30 Beam down TI8 on to TED. Waiting on CMS - problem with access door - experts working. LHC cycled and set to injection level.
17:00 Finishing patrols, closing ring.