Updated July 2005 - input from Rolf Lindner
Nevertheless, we would like to point out the major constraints which we can identify:
· Due to the layout of LHCb, and in particular that the Vertex Locator forms
part of the beam pipe, the final beam pipe has to be in place for the injection
· It has to be ensured that the experimental cavern at point 8 will be treated
as a supervised area after the injection test and not as a controlled area.
· Likewise, it has to be ensured that no part of the beam pipe or nearby
detector will receive a radiation dose that would leave either activated after
the test.
· The interruption to the LHCb installation due to the injection test should
not exceed three weeks.
"Under all circumstances we have to avoid tracing of equipment before we have
circulating beams and therefore as well after the sector test. We can not
trace all the equipment which will go in and out of the UX cavern during
our commissioning phase which will end with the closing of our area in
summer 2007. We might have still some temporary equipment which will leave
the area
after the injection test. INB implicatons on tracing from a supervised
LHC area need to be established."
Rolf Lindner
Technical Coordination LHCb
Shielding wall will have been installed well before the test.