Access | Don't go any where Ghislain | TS/ |
SPS | OP expert coverage | |
OP | Voluntary 24 hour coverages | |
RP | .Helmut Vincke, Doris Forkel-Wirth | HV will be available. Part time I will be in the CCC, and full time available by phone. Our technician in charge (or the piquet) will be certainly available via phone full time |
Warm Magnets | Piquet | |
MPP | Andre, Rob, Nuria | On-call support in case of problems. Will particpate. |
RF | Andy | We know where you live |
BI | Rhodri, Lars | |
ATB | Beam stopper - check | |
BT | On-call support in case of problems. Will particpate. | |
CRYO | On-call rapid response (please). | |
HWC | Roberto, Rudiger | Will participate. |
QPS | On-call support in case of problems. | |
CO | Eugenia organising full coverage: LSA, timing, FEs etc. | |
BIS | Bruno | Will participate |
Vacuum | Need on-call support in case of problems. | |
PO | CERN piquet ++ | |
Alice | Lars |
Dear Paul & Mike,
Please find below the type and level of support on LHC accelerator systems under AT's responsibility, as organized for the forthcoming injection test.
- Operators in CCC: increased to 1 operator x 2 shifts on 9 August, 1 operator x 1 shift (8h00-16h00) on 10 August,
- On-call services (1 operation technician, 1 maintenance technician)
- Best effort: 3 staff engineers (D. Delikaris, G. Ferlin, C. Parente)
- Please note that, to our knowledge i)utilities, critical to operation of cryogenics, only provide on-call service; ii)communication networks, equally critical, only provide best effort.
- On-call: standard service (2 technicians)
- Best effort: 3 staff (J.C. Billy, P. Coly, J.M. Jimenez)
Superconducting magnets
- MPP: 5 engineers ensuring 3-shift presence at CCC (N. Catalan, G. Kirby, A. Siemko, W. Venturini, R. Wolf)
- On-call service for current leads
- Best effort service for QPS, energy extraction, ELQA
Normal conducting magnets
- Best effort service
- Part time presence at CCC under discussion
As we are not yet in the full operation support mode, we kindly ask you to take into account this type and level of support in the optimization of the injection test program.
Best regards,
Philippe & Pierre
Dept |
Group |
System |
1st line |
Other |
When |
Contact |
AB |
PO |
Injectors |
Piquet |
Backup |
now |
F.Bordry |
Piquet |
01.09 |
RF |
Low level |
SPS Piquet |
now |
E.Ciapala |
Damper |
SPS Piquet |
now |
LHC cavities |
New piquet |
01.09 |
BT |
Kickers |
SPS piquet |
Backup |
now |
V.Mertens |
BI |
Diverse |
Shift 24/7 |
Backup |
01.09 |
R.Jones |
CO |
Diverse |
Expert |
01.09 |
K.Kostro |
Movables |
Expert |
01.09 |
A.Masi |
AT |
Contractor |
Shift 24/7 |
Backup |
01.09 |
P.Strubin |
AT expertise |
Piquet |
now |
Mechanics |
Piquet |
now |
Injectors |
Piquet |
now |
Piquet |
now |
Piquet |
01.09 |
Shift 24/7 |
01.09 |
Warm magnets |
Piquet |
01.09 |
SC |
RP |
All machines |
Piquet |
Backup |
now |
D.Forkel-Wirth |
TS |
CV |
All machines |
Piquet |
now |
T.Pettersson |
EL |
All machines |
Piquet |
now |
All machines |
Piquet |
now |
AB/PO support for this weekend is as follows:
· In addition to the normal operational piquet, the PIPO (INJECTORS) (160391) continues to cover the TI2 circuits (ie all equipment controlled by the SPS control system). This is equipment found in the TI2 sheet attached.
· The PIPO (LHC) will be covered by me throughout the weekend (164223) to respond to any issues arising on LHC circuits. In future, the PIPO (LHC) can also be called on 79600. This weekend, a PO_Technician will also be available and can be called in by me if required.
Here’s to a successful weekend.
Radiation Protection
c/o Doris for the second test
My colleague Heinz Vincke is nominated as project leader for the RP part of the next scheduled LHC-SPS synchronization test(s) (Via TI8).
He will represent RP in injection test meetings and he will lead all RP activities related to these tests.
Nadine Conan is nominated as the leading RP engineer for these tests.
Here are the important infos from RP-SL for the LHC sector test of this weekend.
For Monday morning 11.08.08 RP technicians need to enter from 8:00 a.m. in the LHC ring starting from UJ 22 to RA43. - ADI 2822567
Physicist in charge: Helmut Vincke (163701)
Engineer in charge: Isabel Brunner (164401)
RP on-call service: Angelito Herve (163168)
RAMSES support: Ali Day (164730) and Adeline Hess (165108)
SDI2 is closed by AB/OP with padlocks and ready for the beam test confirmed by Nicolas Gilbert.
QPS experts on call during injection test weekend:
Friday 08/08 22:00 - Saturday 09/08 12:00 : Knud (163279) - Gert
Saturday 09/08 12:00 - Sunday 10/08 02:00 : Sandrine (164282) - Reiner
Sunday 10/08 02:00 - Sunday 10/08 16:00 : Gert (160312) - Sandrine
Sunday 10/08 16:00 - Monday 11/08 07:00 : Reiner (165289) - Knud