A waiting time of 30min has to be respected before access to machine and service areas can be granted due to possible air activation.
In general, all LHC areas affected by the sector tests are locked with a Radiation Veto until RP has performed a radiation survey, which will take about one day. Radiation Vetos will be lifted as soon as surveys of the respective areas are finished. The survey around beam loss points (TED, TDI, collimators) might only be performed before access to these areas is required.
The radiological classification of the affected machine tunnel, experimental caverns and service areas after the tests is expected to stay Supervised Radiation area with the exception of localized spots, e.g., collimators where beam is dumped, which might be posted as Controlled Radiation Area.
The radiological classification of the service areas of LHCb and ALICE will be Supervised Radiation Area during and after the tests. A de-classification after the test will be performed only on request.
S. Roesler, SCR-SL