logbook (login required, and then select LHC OP from pull down menu)
Tests finished 06:00 Monday morning following a night of polarity checks and aperture scans in sector 23.
Beam successfully through LHCb to point 7 at 01:48 Sunday morning. Followed by dispersion, kick-response and higher order polairty checks in sector 78.
At around 9:30 we brough on the LHC dipole and compensators and checked the closure of the bump at various field levels. Polarity of bump switched and tests repeated.
Sunday afternoon/evening, injection protection commissioning (collimators at end of transfer lines etc) plus injection regions aperture checks continued.
- Switching to TI8+LHC:
- Got much delayed (3 accesses)-
- Beam injection setting-up (TI8 to LHC) was tricky (no screen response at critical location). Fine tuning done - Looks very good.
- Trajectory optimisation done: very good results.
- Dispersion measurements: looks O.K, some beating from initial conditions
- kick response measurements starting at 3:30 (new time)
- Injection region studies (cont'd): Aperture studies in TI2+LHC injection region: done, looks good
- screens in beam in TI 2, one by one, for ALICE checks : done
Night of Friday to Saturday: Protons down TI2+LHC:
- Trajectory checked in TI 2 (used one extra corrector at the end of the line, 10urad), traj corrections performed in LHC: very good response.
- Dispersion measurements done in T2+LHC: good, small oscillation seems to initiate from initial conditions (see logbook)
- Kick response measurements done.
- Magnet cycling done, very encouraging results (see logbook)
23:30 Switch to protons successful - beam back to point 3. (Thanks Thomas.).
21:30 Ion beam successfully taken into LHC. Beam traversed Alice and went straight to point 3 without correction. Following correction, beam loss studies, and fine correction of injection trajectory were performed.
19th - 21st October | DSO tests - whole ring must be shut including experiments |
Friday 23rd October | Preparation for test, final patrols etc. |
24th - 25th October | First injection test. Inject left of IP2, through Alice, sector 23, dump beam on collimators in IR3. Some chance of injecting into IP8 etc. as well, dump on collimators in IR7. Schedule below shows latter option. |
Monday 26th | Finish with beam at 06:00. Followed by RP checks. |
7th - 8th November | Possibe second injection test - HWC permitting. |
19th November | First beam around LHC |