Sector Test Meeting 7th December 2005

Present:  Helmut Burkhardt, Verena Kain, Brennan Goddard, Roger Bailey, Mike Lamont (chair), Jan Uythoven, Stephen Jackson, Rhodri Jones, Roberto Saban, Katy Foraz, Esther Barbero Soto.

ML presented a brief summary of the issues of the sector test vis a vis hardware commissioning and installation.


Near test milestones

Date Action Comment
Wednesday 15th - Friday 17th November Installation of TED - point 7 Access through 7-8 inhibited
Thursday 23rd November Close point 8, sector 7-8, sector 6-7 Access system qualification. Control from CCC.
Friday 24th November TI8 test with beam Machine remains closed over weekend - final machine checkout
Monday 27th November -
Sunday 10th December
Sector test with beam Access as required through point 8
Monday 11th December Radiation Survey No general access

More details here


Installation - what has to be there

Full list here

Installation – what needn’t be there

Given the list above there is little room for reduction on the installation front

Installation – what can’t be there

The temporary installation of the dump in IR7 implies the following constraints for the injection test:

Installation – temporary installation

Restricted to point 7:

Installation - ongoing in the rest of ring

The main impact of the test on installation is its effects on ongoing installation elsewhere. The test will limit:

Installation afterwards

Given the removal of the temporary access gates, the TED etc. the main knock-on effect will be the declaration of the zone around the dump position and the injection region as supervised areas. Supervised areas imply:

Hardware commissioning

The required hardware and circuits are described here

Given the assumed schedule it is clear that the nominal 3 months of power tests requested for full hardware commissioning of sector 7-8 will be severely squeezed if the sector test is to take place as planned.

A discussion of about the possibilities of staging the HWC to meet the direct requirements of the sector test took place. It was noted that:

Action: The hardware commissioning team will establish the minimum possible time required to commissioned the required hardware to the necessary levels.

Also noted:


Hand over to operations

Also discussed was the potential handover of the sector to the operations group for machine checkout and access control.

It's clear that the test will remain a collaborative effort throughout the test with support of the HWC required for the duration. However, because of safety issues etc. a formal handover of responsibilities will be required. It was also noted that a dedicated machine checkout  period is necessary; coordinated by operations from the CCC. Exact dates to be established.