Possible Injection Test - meeting 11th July 2008

Kick off presentation - Mike

Access & DSO tests

c/o Ghislain Roy, Tomasz Ladzinski

Nominal DSO conditions for accepting circulating beam in LHC

Thomas Ladzinski/GR/RB/ML after meeting:

Stopping beam on collimators in IR3

c/o Ralph Assmann, Stefano Redaelli, Roberto Losito

Re-iteration of Stefano's presentation at the extended LTC.


c/o Serge Claudet, Lionel Herblin

- For sector 23 presently under powering tests, the cryo concerns are for Q6_R2 and DFBX under consolidations, the rest is working fine

  - For sector 12 under LHe filling, major progress were made recently with cooling and filling DFB's and stand-alone magnets, DFBX to be consolidated
Lionel will be able to confirm the situation with at least one level gauge and few thermometers not yet in service, but with possibility to increase priority if required.
We should be able to progress with boil-offs and various required assessments for cryo start/maintain MS_2L end of next week at best (end wk 29). We will know more about that in the coming days when we will have seen our ability to control LHe levels.

Feel free to see with them what could be organised, and we will make sure we follow this during the summer period.
As we have not much experience with this, our concerns would be about access conditions after this possible injection test, with HWC to be completed.

Hardware commissioning

c/o Roberto Saban

Overview of revised planning for HWC presented (here).

Radiation protection

c/o Doris Forkel-Wirth, Helmut Vincke

Review of impact of test presented. See Helmut's presentation at eLTC here

Low total number of protons 10 e13 should not pose any problems.

Machine Protection

c/o Bruno Puccio, Jorg Wenninger

No show stoppers. Jorg's take on the set-up for SPS, TI2 and LHC here


Beam Instrumentation

c/o Lars Jensen


For consideration



Reported by:
Mike Lamont
Roger Bailey